See how community movement is impacted by COVID-19.
open_in_newRDS COVID-19 Project open_in_newWhat is RDS? open_in_newAbout Google Community ReportsChanges by location
Each report dataset is presented by location and highlights the percent change in visits to places like grocery stores and parks within a geographic area.
What are Google COVID-19 Mobility Reports?
The Google COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports aim to provide insights into what has changed in response to policies aimed at combating COVID-19. The reports chart movement trends over time by geography, across different categories of places such as retail and recreation, groceries and pharmacies, parks, transit stations, workplaces, and residential. The anonymized data is regularly released by Google and made available in CSV text format, along with PDF reports published by countries.
How did we do this?
This website was put together in a matter of hours by integrating with our Rich Data Services API, leveraging our RDS open source JavaScript library and Google charts. We collect the raw data from the CSV file published on the Google Community Report site and load in SQL database server. We then create multiple "views" to enhance as necessary and offer derived datasets for user convenience (e.g. global, by country, by administrative subdivision). We complement the data with descriptive metadata / documentation around the variables, codes lists, and other resources to deliver high quality data products. The record level data can be explored under our International, Canada, and United States catalog in our public COVID-19 repository. Tables can also generated using the RDS TabEngine. The data can also be used by anyone through the underlying RDS API.
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