Columns to use as dimensions.
RDS can return a variety of JSON objects to plug into various java script charting libraries. Defaults to mtna_simple
When computing a new variable using a function that depends onaggregation the group by parameter can specify which columns to group by.
Flag specifying to inject codes into the returned records.
The limit of records to return.
Columns to use as measures. Count is used by default.
Flag specifying if metadata should be returned along side the data.
The record to start at.
Allows the data to be reordered in ascending or descending order by column.
Flag specifying whether subtotals should be returned along side the data.
The IDs of variables to use as weights in the resulting data.
The where parameter allows filters to be applied to the data that will be returned. This follows a syntax similar to a SQL where clause.
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Flag specifying whether the total row count should be returned along side the data.